Aromatherapy Consultation

Aromatherapy is a holistic complementary medicine using essential oils to heal and balance all the aspects of the individual: physical, mental, emotional and energetic. The aromatherapist does not only look at the symptoms but takes the whole individual into account. Aromatherapy can be used as prevention or as a treatment and can work on a very wide range of symptoms.

For who?

Anyone who needs help with physical, psychological, emotional, energetic issues or imbalance.

Aromatherapy can help you with:

🌿Emotional issues: stress, insomnia, burn out, anxiety, depression, fatigue,grounding, letting go, self-confidence, grieving, …
🌿Skin problems: acne, psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, scars, …
🌿Women health: painful/irregular/heavy periods, PMS, cysts, pre-menopause, menopause, fibroid, endometriosis, as well as helping women connect to her sacred femininity.
🌿Lymphatic and circulatory problems
🌿Digestive issues: difficult digestion, constipation, bloating, gastric acidity, IBS …
🌿Joint/muscle pain and inflammation: osteoarthritis, migraine, sciatica, tendinitis, neck pains, cramps, sport injuries, …
🌿Allergies, ENT problems (bronchitis, throat infections, rhinitis…) , viruses (herpes …) , bacteria, weak immune system
🌿Skincare and haircare
🌿Chakra balancing

What to expect?

After booking the consultation, you will receive a link to a questionnaire to complete. This questionnaire allows me to prepare the consultation based on the information related to your current situation and issue (s).

During the consultation (in person or via a video/telephone call) we will discuss the information provided and go deeper with your issues. For in person sessions, if needed, I will carry on a targeted massage with essential oils.

Following the consultation, you will receive by email a summary of the consultation and a prescription for one or more essential oils/vegetable oil/hydrolat, food complements with advice. You will also receive general information on essential oils (how to use them, how to store them, etc)

You can also contact me for a 30 min follow-up consultation if needed (in person, or via video/telephone).

The purpose of these consultations is to provide you with an aromatherapeutic response to physical or emotional imbalance for improved well-being. These consultations do not replace a medical consultation but are a great complement to allopathic (conventional) medicine.

Consultations and treatments are always carried out with kindness, respect, attentiveness, and authenticity. You will be welcome in a safe and relaxing place. Confidentiality is a key principle on which my practice is based upon.

Consultations can be in person or online.


First consultation (60 min) 695 kr

Follow-up consultation (30 min) 450 kr