Upcoming events

Heart Chakra Balancing
Olfactory Meditation & Sacred Cacao

16th June 2024 – 17.30-19.00 – Malmö

✨💚 Last Olfactory Meditation before the summer break! 💚✨

🌿 We will focus on the heart energy centre, aka the fourth chakra, which is associated with love, compassion, and balances the material and spiritual worlds.

☕️ For the session we will have a special guest! As well as the guided meditations based around three high-vibration essential oils, we will also drink sacred cacao which helps open our hear chakra.

💗 The combination of being in a meditative state, breathing in the fragrance of essential oils and drinking sacred cacao, will help you tap into the vibration and information from the plants and into your inner self as well as balancing your heart chakra.

💡 What to expect:
– Three guided olfactory meditations.
Introduction to three potent essential oils tailored to heart chakra issues.
– Sacred cacao.
– Insights into the significance of the heart chakra and its impact on our lives.
– Techniques for balancing and nurturing this energetic center.
– Opportunities for reflection and sharing within a supportive group.

✨The benefits
– Well-being and relaxation.
– Insights into your inner-self.
– Chakra balancing.
– Emotional and energetic blocks release.

🔎 No prior meditation experience nor knowledge of essential oils/chakras are required – just an open heart and a willingness to explore!

📝 Feel free to bring pen and paper to write down your thoughts afterwards.

🗓️ Date: Sunday 16th June
⏱️ Time: 17.30-19.00
📍Location: Soulgarden & Soulharmony, Stora Nygatan 38, 211 37 Malmö

🎫 Price: 300 SEK
🧘‍♀️ Spaces are limited, so reserve your spot today!
📲 Click on this link to register: https://greenmoonaromatherapy.ck.page/46cd1df2a2 

🔎 For questions reach out via email (greenmoon.aromatherapy@gmail.com) or phone: 0735019599.

💚 See you there!