Customer testimonials

Marie has magical hands and puts attention in every detail. I really enjoyed the custom blend of essential oils that were specifically chosen for my massage. It smelled divine and the massage itself was incredible.


What an incredible experience! I felt so good and relaxed after Marie’s massage. I would recommend to anyone.


I can only recommend Marie at Green Moon Aromatherapy. She’s helped my entire family with various issues from swollen and painful joints to teenage spots! Very professional and knowledgeable. I will definitely be back!


Thanks Marie for sharing how essential oils can be an alternative to soothe common aches and pains. I’ve now used essential oils for seasonal allergies and sports related aches. Also good as a sleep aid. Give it a try!


After the (lymphatic) massage I felt extremely tired, like drained of my energy and a slight headache. I slept really well that night. Yesterday and today I’ve been feeling great, confident, “grounded”, lighter. Feels like my hip pain is gone. I feel good, lighter, aligned.

@celeste Jonneart